MSW Management Optimisation in Russia

To support the planning of landfill safety upgrades, waste collection infrastructure and increasing recycling rates, the teams of BlackForest Solutions, INTECUS and eclareon GmbH formed a consultancy consortium under the guidance of GIZ Russia. Together, technical recommendations for more safety, efficiency and possible technical upgrades were created and handed over to the administrations of Voronezh, Kaluga, and Kursk. Apart from legislation analysis and backoffice guideline creations, the consortium also conducted onsite research, waste sorting analysis and technical audits during the last 8 months.

Project details

Waste Composition Analysis

To create waste management masterplans and optimisation measures, it is crucial to understand the waste-related status quo of a target region. An important part hereby is to understand the detailed waste composition of collected samples.

Landfill Safety Assessment

BFS offers technical landfill audits for hazardous and non-hazardous landfills worldwide. The technical planning, setup, condition and usage of a landfill can have a crucial impact on the health and safety of workers, the environment and nearby communities.

Recycling Facility Optimisation

Recycling facilities often need to be adapted to changing waste qualities and quantities. Optimisations can target implemented technologies, processes as well as management approaches.