Liability Disclaimer

Information in accordance with § 5 DDG

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg,
Index: HRB 175302 B
VAT ID: DE 3057 8037 1


BlackForest Solutions GmbH
Stephanstrasse 43
10559 Berlin, Germany


Tel.: +49 030 39715405

Content Liability

The contents of this website were created with great care and diligence, however; we take no responsibility or guarantee as to completeness, relevance, or correctness of the information. As a service provider we are responsible for the contents of these pages in accordance with article 7 paragraph 1 DDG for our own content contained in these pages according to general law. However, in accordance with article 8 paragraph 10 DDG, we are not required to monitor third-party information either provided or stored on the website or to search for circumstances that might indicate unlawful activities. The obligation to remove or block the usage of information according to general law remains unaffected. Any liability in such instances shall commence at the point at the time in which we have concrete knowledge of an infringement. Should such legal violations become known, the content will be removed immediately.

Liability for Links

Our service includes links to external, third-party websites, where we have no influence over the content. For this reason we are not liable for the content of these third-party websites. The respective providers or operators of the sites are liable for the content of their websites. The links were checked for possible unlawful content at the time that they were included in our website, at which point none could be discerned. We cannot be reasonably expected to exercise permanent control and oversight over the content of linked sites without concrete indicators that they contain unlawful content. If we become aware of any such violation, we will remove the links immediately.


The contents and works contained in this website, composed by the website operator, are subject to German copyright law. Users are not permitted to copy, modify, or otherwise use the contents of these pages outside the rights contained in the copyright without the express written consent of the respective authors or creators. Downloads and copies on this website are for private use only and are not permitted for use in commercial purposes. In cases in which content was not created by the website operator, they are protected by third party copyrights. Third party content will be clearly labeled as such. Should you become aware of a violation of third party copyrights, please inform us of the violation. If we become aware of violations, the respective contents will be promptly removed.

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The general use of the website is possible without providing information about personal details. Insofar as it is possible, the collection of personal data on our website (like name, address, and/or email address, etc.) will occur on a strictly voluntary basis. Collected information will not be passed on to third parties without your explicit consent. However, we would like to remind you that the transfer of data on the internet (e.g. email communication) can be subject to security flaws. A seamless protection of data against access by third parties is impossible. Third parties are expressly forbidden from using contact information published in accordance with the German “Impressumspflicht” for the transmission of advertising or informational materials without express consent. The operators of this website reserve the right to take legal action in the event of transmission of non-solicited advertising material, e.g. spam mail.

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This website utilizes Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses “cookies”. The information generated about your use of the website that is collected through cookies (including your IP-address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the USA. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our website, to compile reports on website activity for the website operators, and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website provider. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP-address with any other data held by Google. You may disable the use of cookies through your browser settings. By using this website, you agree to the processing and use of your collected data by Google within the aforementioned framework.

Layout, Implementation, Programming

Dots United GmbH
Agentur für digitale Medien
Jungbuschstraße 8
68159 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 621 4236886

Picture Credits:

Dump – bokan – Fotolia
Medical waste – Sherry Yates
Hamburg – lassedesignen – Fotolia
Container Ship – EvrenKalinbacak – Fotolia
Blue drums & container – Ulrich Mueller – Fotolia
Legal documents – tashatuvango – Fotolia
Waste plant – Minko Chernev – Fotolia
Globe – Victoria – Fotolia
Wireframe computer cad design of pipelines for modern industrial power plant – Andrei Merkulov – Fotolia
Arbeiter in einer Industrieanlage – industrieblick – Fotolia
Lantus – Eigenes Werk, CC BY 2.0

Video Credits:

Timelapse of the sea port in St. Petersburg – Aleksei – Fotolia
Perfectly clear emerald lake in Dolomites – ZoomTeam – Fotolia
Baumkronen mit Sonne und fallende Blätter im Herbst – Smileus – Fotolia
Panning video of Several barrels of chemical at storage yard in refinery factory – Photo smile – shutterstock