National Waste Masterplan for Kuwait 2021

BlackForest Solutions is part of the consortium founded by Kuwait Environmental Public Authority (KEPA) and Fraunhofer UMSICHT institute. KEPA awarded this consortium to develop a national waste masterplan. BFS is the responsible consulting unit for medical waste and hazardous waste management, including onsite assessments, technical disposal concepts, by-law creation etc.

Project details

Waste Masterplans

Waste masterplans include the assessment of the status-quo as well as future strategic planning of sustainable waste management concepts. Redundant or missing facility capacities shall be avoided, critical waste streams be detected and integrative solutions be found.

Integration of Environmental Protection Agencies

Environmental Public Authorities like the Kuwaiti KEPA are important platforms for the interests and the control of all stakeholders involved in a national waste framework and should coordinate any new masterplan considerations.

Hazardous and infectious medical waste

In many regions worldwide, a coordinated waste masterplan for hazardous and infectious medical waste is not existing – unlike for Municipal Solid Waste, which is usually the first step to an organized waste management system.