Country Profiles 2017 – 2018

Last year, the so-called "country profiles" for Ukraine, Serbia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Cuba were prepared for the first time and presented at a branch event in the German MoEnv in March 2017. The country profiles were jointly developed by the offices of German RETech Partnership (RETech) and German Water Partnership (GWP) with other member companies. As a result of the very positive response, the MoEnv is again promoting the creation of six further country profiles for the waste and water industries and their presentation at an industry event in the MoEnv as part of the Export Initiative of Environmental Technologies. The six countries Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Vietnam and Montenegro were selected for 2018. The project is carried out as a joint project by the member companies BlackForest Solutions GmbH, tilia GmbH and uve GmbH for management consulting. The technical coordination of the project lies with eclareon GmbH. In addition to GWP, RETech, Tilia and BlackForest Solutions, the other member companies of both associations, Andreas von Schoenberg Consult, BiPRO GmbH, Dr. Ing. Burghard-ibd and Intecus GmbH, were involved as authors of country profiles.

Project details

Country Profiles 2016

In 2016, the country profiles for Ukraine, Serbia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Cuba were supporting more than 1000 companies in assessing new markets. These profiles can be downloaded here: Country profiles 2016

Country Profiles 2017

In 2017 – 2018, BFS has prepared the country profiles for Argentina and India. Those profiles, among the other 4 selected market profiles of Montenegro, China, Brazil and Vietnam, can be downloaded for free from June 2018 on.

Presentation event 2018

On 8 June 2018, all involved partner companies and authors will present the 6 selected country profiles during a presentation event at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.