Project details
Waste to energy
Waste to energy means technologies which use the calorific value or related reactions to create energy. Either as incineration-based thermal process or other processes such as bio gas generation etc. In all cases, a detailed technical and financial feasibility check is crucial for the success of a WtE project.
Waste to energy financial context
Professional, effective and safe WtE facilities with high throughput rates are expensive. The involvement of strong technical partners, EPCs, banks and investors is crucial for the success of a WtE project. Due to the importance of banks and investors for WtE projects, many approaches in emerging markets fail without external support.
Due diligence in emerging markets
As international banks often reject projects in emerging markets, and local banks do not have experience in the assessment & due diligence checks for WtE projects, third party assessors (technical and financial) like BFS can help to develop a successful case.