Recycling in Sri Lanka

BFS supports the GIZ SME Sector Development program to increase competitiveness, inclusiveness and environmental sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises in Sri Lanka. The program has five activity fields: 1. Framework Conditions for SME Promotion, 2. Technology Transfer and Market Access, 3. Financial Inclusion, 4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and 5. Wilpattu National Park and its influence zone. BFS in particular supports technology transfer by assisting public and private service providers in developing new business models for delivering technology solutions to SMEs in the region. BFS carries out a technical and financial feasibility study for the implementation of a holistic recycling system for selected post-consumer recyclables of the food industry in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. The selected post-consumer recyclables are defined as: PET, Tetra Pak and Aluminium Cans.

Project details

Feasibility Study

Data collection on and evaluation of status quo of waste collection, segregation and recycling systems in the Western province with a focus of PET, Tetra Pak and aluminium cans as post-consumer packaging materials.

Waste treatment site assessment

Visit relevant sites such as existing closed and active landfills, collection and transfer centres as well as recycling and disposal facilities. Scoping for potential locations for collection and processing plants.

Extended Producer Responsibility

Assessment of potential for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) approach. Formulate recommendations for the implementation of a recycling scheme