Hazardous waste landfill assessment

In the context of a project for the Jordanian Ministry of Environment, BlackForest Solutions has conducted a detailed technical assessment of the status quo situation and operational processes of a hazardous waste landfill in Jordan. Based on this status-quo report, BlackForest Solutions has developed technical and organizational measures to improve the situation and efficiency of this landfill, as well as measures for the national hazardous waste management in Jordan. These measures are reflected in the actual environmental discussion in the national parliament. The realization of next steps was initiated and accompanied by BlackForest Solutions.

Project details

Hazardous waste landfill

Hazardous waste landfills are usually used for inert hazardous waste (often underground). In developing regions, hazardous waste landfills are often unsecured deposits for undefined hazardous chemicals.

Storage of hazardous waste

The proper storage of hazardous waste requires a special technical infrastructure apart from the correct packaging of individual types of waste.

Assessment of hazardous waste

The on-site analysis of hazardous waste storages or landfill sites, as well as of the waste itself, requires a high level of experience and technical equipment.